Will you please explain the following scriptures: Eze. 47:1, 12; 48:31? What city is this mentioned in the last text? – J.H. Cox
“We understand that the last nine chapters of the book of Ezekiel are conditional prophecy, based on Israel’s acceptance or rejection of God’s message. The principle of these conditions is clearly stated in Jer. 18:9, 10. The conditions of the fulfilment of the promises of the prophecy, the building of the sanctuary, the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, the wonderful glory of Jerusalem, etc., were that Israel should be ashamed of their evil doings and put away their iniquities. See Eze. 43:9-11. But Israel did not repent; consequently the sanctuary was never builded, Jerusalem was never enlarged and glorified as promised, the healing waters never sprang forth, etc. But all these things will be fulfilled even more gloriously in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. See chapters 21, 22 of Revelation. That Ezekiel’s prophecy can never in the future be fulfilled is evident from the fact that the blood of bulls and goats will no longer be acceptable to the Lord even as a type. See Heb. 9:9-11. Yet had Israel yielded to God, these offerings would have still been made by the sons of Levi. See Ezekiel 45 and 46.”
Signs of the Times, April 9, 1896
Please explain 1 Kings 22:23, concerning the “lying spirit.” – Chas. E. Hall.
“God desires to send truth and light to his people always; but when they reject his counsel, his light, his truth, his prophets, his Spirit, he then permits to come upon them that which they choose. So it is often said that the Lord sends that which he permits, because without his permission it could not go. But God never permits the lying spirit to deceive, nor the “strong delusion” to come upon the people, till they reject the love of the truth. See 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Prov. 1:29-31″
Signs of the Times, April 9, 1896