The Making of the Image – A.T. Jones, May 15, 1900
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Will Sabbath-keepers of other countries be affected by the decree of the image which is formed in this country? Does Eze. 47:9,10 refer to the new-earth state? What is the meaning of 1 Cor. 15:29, and 1 Pet. 3:19, 20?
“We believe in true civil and religious liberty. . . We are opposed, therefore, to a union of church and state. By this we mean not simply the union of some particular church with some particular state, but a union of any religion, or church, or any combination of churches, with any state or form of civil government whatever.”
Early Adventists had principled reasons for protesting the Sunday Law beyond simply “Mrs. White said.” These writings are reproduced to educate and inspire modern readers regarding the same principles, that they may be prepared to take the same stand today on all such religious legislation.
And here, as an introductory inquiry, we raise the question, Who, or what, is it that persecutes the true church? It is the false or apostate church. What is it that is ever warring against true religion? It is false and counterfeit religion. Who ever heard of the civil power, merely, of any nation, persecuting the people of God? Governments may war against other governments, to avenge some wrong real or imaginary, or to acquire territory and extend their power; but governments do not persecute (mark the word)–do not persecute, people on account of their religion, unless under the control of some opposite and hostile system of religion.