Kindly explain Rom. 7:15-25. We do not understand its meaning. W.M.
In general the passage reveals the state of a sinner’s mind whom the Spirit of God by the law has convicted of sin. He sees that he has transgressed a holy and good law. He longs to do differently, but finds himself in bondage to sin, his master. His mind admires and reverences the law of God. He hates sin. And yet he commits sin. His mind is in bondage to the flesh. The Spirit reveals to him the holiness of God’s law without. In the beginning that same law was written in man; but the sinner finds that good law perverted in himself, and tending to sin and death, warring against the good law of God unperverted by sin, and which is mind delights in. But he can not do it, for sin binds him. In his agony he exclaims, “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Jesus Christ is there revealed, and the sinner finds deliverance from sin in his Saviour. Finding deliverance, he serves the law in which his mind delights; he i free from the domination of the flesh.
Question Corner No. 555, Signs of the Times May 6, 1897